Meeting Info: (709) 579-6091
Help Line: (709) 579-5215
Toll Free Help Line:
Corner Brook: 709-640-6336
AA Phonelines: Do you remember how good it felt when someone answered the phone when you reached out for help? Well, AA needs YOUR help now. Volunteers are needed for the daytime shift 2:00-6:00 pm weekdays. Volunteers are also needed for 12 Step calls. Please reach out to Intergroup to sign up for this front lines service. Leave your name in the Contact form below or by calling 579-5215.
Meeting Change: The Pleasantville group will be changing its location from MQW church on Torbay Road to the cafeteria of St. Pius X School on Smithville Crescent. Starting Wednesday Jan 15th
Meeting change - the Saturday meeting of the Courage to Change Group in Cape Broyle is on hold until further notice.
Office change - Please note the Intergroup Office is closed on Tuesdays until further notice. Calls will be answered remotely. Please be patient as we get more volunteers to help keep the office open.
Want a print-friendly meeting list to take with you wherever you go? Click HERE. Has both in-person and online meetings.
Steps and Traditions
Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him.
The only requirement for A.A. membership is a desire to stop drinking.
AA Meeting Guide
Meeting Guide syncs with area, district, intergroup/central offices and international general service office websites, relaying meeting information from more than 400 A.A. service entities directly to the app. Over 100,000 weekly meetings are currently listed, and the information is refreshed twice daily.
The Intergroup Office has a healthy collection of AA literature for you to purchase at modest costs. We also have tokens (chips) and medallions to mark different periods of sobriety for you or your home group to buy. Call first before dropping by - to make sure a volunteer is there to meet you.
Intergroup meets once a month to discuss issues related to services it provides - the AA helpline as well as meeting lists. Volunteers are always needed to meet these needs! Intergroup also cooperates with District 15 on Committees whose focus is carrying the AA message to the suffering alcoholic.
Contribute to AA
The 7th Tradition reminds us we are self-supporting. You can support Intergroup through your contributions at your home group or send an EMT to Intergroup at
AA in Eastern Avalon NL is District 15. To contribute to District 15 you can email transfer (EMT) to
To contribute to the General Service Office in NY you can send a cheque to General Service Office Post Office Box 2407 James A Farley Station New York, NY 10116-2407 or donate by credit card or PayPal at the AA website at
To contribute to Area 82, the EMT is You can also support Area 82 by snailmail at Basil MacLean 33 Sprucedale Drive, St. John's, NL, A1H 0B9.